New home air ducts are usually contaminated with building materials such as sheet rock dust, sawdust, and other leftover matter.
Older homes (5+ years) have even bigger problems. Dirt and debris, mold and viruses, dust mites and rodent droppings, can all accumulate over the years, unknown to the residents.
I am one of the few companies in the Sacramento area, to clean your vents with this powerful machine. Watch this short video (you’ll need Flash player)
Viruses are unique in the fact that they need a carrier to infect. They use these visible and microscopic particulate to ride on as they float in the air, where you breathe them in.
Since the awareness of harmful contaminates is relatively new to consumers attention, most homes have NEVER been cleaned.
Most people spend 60% to 90% of their time indoors. (AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION)
- 50% of all illnesses are either caused by, or aggravated by, polluted indoor air: (AMERICAN COLLEGE OF ALLERGISTS)The levels of some hazardous pollutants in indoor air has been found to be up to 70 times greater than outdoor air: (USEPA)Studies have shown that two out of three indoor air quality problems involve the HVAC System.
- More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies.
- One out of six people suffer that from allergies do so because of fungi and bacteria in air duct systems. (TOTAL HEALTH AND BETTER HEALTH MAGAZINES) 10-12 million Americans suffer from Asthma. Children and the elderly are especially affected by polluted indoor air. (DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS)
- Most commercially available fiberglass furnace filters are less than 7% efficient. (ASHRAE)
- The Environmental Protection Agency also offers information about indoor air quality and pollutants. For more information, look at this link from the Environmental Protection Agency… Indoor Air Quality info from the EPA website